Child Labour: A Plain Evil

Working with tools & teacups , the little hands move everyday for need and for survival . They are ready to walk everyway . Some have an ailing sister while some have a mother to get home a penny , they get beaten by the 'others'. 
              According to reports of united nation , there are around 30million child labours in india in 5-18 years age group. This striking figure represents a gloomy pictures of the 'State of childhood' in india. 
             Being an agriculturally dominant country , it is natural that more than 50% of the child labour is concentrated in the farm sector. Besides this , children work in hazardous places like firecracker making , bangle making , zari work and in carpet weaving . A sizeable population in the central belt is buzy rolling bidis with their hands . 
             In urban areas , roadside 'dhabas' and other hotels employ children largely . Families with both parents working , often employ girls to do daily chores and care of their children at home . These girls rarely get proper food and rest while are often abused or beaten . What worth a child would feel , if treated this way ? 
            A closer look at prevalence of child labour shows that first 5 states in india contribute to around 50% of incidence . These states are Uttar Pradesh , Maharashtra , Madhya Pradesh , Bihar and Andhra Pradesh . This depicts the skewed reality today. But what explains this reality ? Why do these children work , is a question we must pounder upon . This is the only way to address this evil. 

             The child labour map finds a close resemblance to areas where chronic poverty persists . Indeed , poor households are the first to send their kids to work. Rarely are the incomes from marginal farms enough for the big family  children work in the field , specially in harvest season ; while their mother works as agricultural labourer elsewhere. The pangs of poverty are Economic compulsions that force these kids to leave their home early with 'tools' rather than 'pencils'.
             Another reason is the absence or poor quality of schools in rural & tribal areas . Either teachers are absent or the teachers are unindulging. This makes many children to drop out. These out of school children are a potential pool of child labours. But this perpetuates as a vicious cycle. Illiterate parents are unable to help their kids at home and more often do not bother about the 'long term' education benifit. 

            These incidents are more often in marginalised households, like that of Dalits or tribes. Even so the girl child faces more risk. India still accounts for 30% child marriages worldwide (World bank) . Due to early marriage girl have to give up school even if they wish to continue. 

           Another dimension of the 'State of economy' offers a grim reason for child labour. Most people in india are 'self-employed' . Meaning they have thier own farms or petty shops and businesses. Asking kids to extend a helping hand is seen as almost natural. It somehow adds to the meage income of informal households. Due to poor nutrition and lack of healthcare members are often pushed into diseases and infections. This adds burden to overall family. 

            But all is not out of own compulsive will. Many children today are trafficked into factories and informal work places. Middleman get hefty seems for each 'lost child'. Unfortunately, it's the father himself who sells off the child. 

             Nobel laureate Kailash satyarthi, sadly recounts how a poor girl rescued from a garment industry explained her plight - "BABA , THEY SOLD ME OFF FOR ₹10000 , that is less than the price of Buffalo...". 

           This heart wrenching reality has consequences on various walks of life. The psychological and physical trauma, the child themselves face is indescribable. They are often abused and girls are sexually assaulted. The child labour deprives then of Equal Opportunity to a better life. This is no less than a human rights abuse.

           It also negatively impacts child health when hazardous smoke from bangle making or tobacco laced on hands is inhaled/ingested. This leads to lung diseases , TB , heart problems and disabilities.

          Depriving children from proper education and skill development makes them vulnerable to market forces. They continue to work in poorly paid jobs through adulthood. 


The deprived and ill nutritioned girls, when give birth, it feeds on the infant mortality and maternal mortality. This continues the cycle of slunting , wasting and hidden hunger. 

              To account for the heavy cost at politico- international level , huge losses are incurred. With increasing abhorrence for child labour worldwide , European nation have included this clause in their non-tariff barriers. Any product in which inclusion is rejected. Besides, for our growing stature and economy it's only shameful to imploy child labour.

             At this juncture, we must think, have we taken any steps to tackle child labour ? The child labour law in India was recently amended to prohibit all kind of work for 5-14 years and hazardous work also. But exceptions for media entertainment and own family business were made. These are grey areas that can be exploited badly. 

           Besides, the new anti-trafficking legislation establishes a stringent frame work to nab the perpetrators and rehabilitates the victims. Also many NGO's and Pvt. Institutes like BACHPAN BACHAO ANDOLAN , CHILD RIGHTS AND YOU (CRY) work towards alleviating the conditions. 

         But these efforts nights not be enough. For a problem that is deeply rooted for our socio-political matter, a punitive or temporary provisions cannot be a long term solution. 

         It is the time we realize, that if the poor household is sending their child to work out of sheer necessity; our duty is not only to protect child but also to alleviate the households from poverty. If illetrate mother cannot care about a hardworking daughter, it's imperative that going to school is made much easier for her. Striking at childhood labour start from striking at poverty. Schemes like MGNREGA, the goals of doubling farmers income etc should be achieved soon. 

         In urban slums gainful employment for women and men must be arranged. At the same time, awareness for family planning needs to be spread. Households with more kids are more prone to sending elder children for work. 

        Besides the factories which employ children must be severely fined and punished. As for tribals, education in local dialect, role model teachers from same areas be appointed. This can keep away children fron work recent schemes like VANBANDHU KALYAN YOJANA can better their incomes. 

       One must also note that in the global scenario, countries of Asia and Africa due to low incomes and weak governance account for the major share of child labour. In conflict zones like West Asia, the disrupted households have taken a toll on child's life. Many are now forced to work in pitiful conditions. 

Hence , only a collaborated and multi-dimensional efforts can help rein in the evil of child labour. 

Even if it's a necessary , it's nothing more than plain evil , depriving Children of their best days. We need active participation at the level of family , community, provinces and nation to defeat the 'Culture' of employing a child ! 

                THEIR TIME IS FOR PLAYING 


                       LET US JOIN HANDS 





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